Contents of Crude protein from high to low was Salt meadow reed, Sand dune reed, Swamp reed, and Salt0meadow a nd sand dune transitional zone reed. 粗蛋白含量由高到低顺序为:盐化草甸芦苇、沙丘芦苇、沼泽芦苇、过渡带芦苇。
The results suggested that among 4 reed we use Sand dune reed first, then Swamp reed, and then Salt meadow and sand dune transitional zone reed, Salt meadow reed. 由此得出,4种生境芦苇利用价值由高到低的顺序依次为:沙丘芦苇、沼泽芦苇、过渡带芦苇、盐化草甸芦苇。
We've studied the physiological changes of the embryogenic calluses of sand reed ( SREC) and the water reed ( WREC) in response to the osmotic stress of PEG 6000 and exogenous ABA. 研究了沙生芦苇胚性愈伤组织(SREC)和水生芦苇胚性愈伤组织(WREC)对PEG6000的胁迫及外源ABA的生理响应。